42 research outputs found

    The Development of Learning Strategies in Pesantren Studies on the Transformation of the Teaching System in Pesantren

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    The fundamental question of the research is how the learning strategies are developed in pesantren. follow the development of modern learning strategies or survive with his salafiah learning system. This research uses a case study. and research tends to be explanatory. Collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. The data is taken in general, then sorted, selected, selected and reduced only in relation to the problems of this research. To maintain the validity of the data, there were three things done, namely extending the stay and interacting with respondents; make observations seriously and diligently; and tested by triangulation adopting the interactive model from Miles and Huberman. The findings from the data obtained are compiled by categories and themes, analyzed inductively conceptually and then made narrative explanations so that they are arranged into certain propositions and developed into new theories based on data analysis and narrative theoretical interpretation. The results of this research is that pesantren develop all types of learning strategies, namely direct learning strategies, learning indirect strategies, interactive learning strategies, empirical learning strategies and active learning strategies. This fact is reasonable because the education and learning process in pesantren is 24 hours. These findings indicate that pesantren accept all developments while maintaining their characteristics, so that the findings of this study lead to a theory of pesantren flexibility while maintaining their identity. The findings of this study can be continued in research on learning in certain pesantren, because it can be different from a pesantren compared to other pesantren


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    Covid-19 merupakan pandemic Global hampir disepanjang tahun 2020, bentuk usaha menekan melonjaknya virus yang dapat menyebabkan kematian ini pemerintah melakukan berbagai tindakan preventif baik melalui edaran resmi, media elektronik, media social, mensinergikan berbagai unsur bangsa, masyarakat, agama, suku dan semua pihak untuk menjaga protocol kesehatan secara masif dan patuh. Diantara yang memiliki peran penting di grassroot adalah takmir masjid, pengurus desa serta para tokoh agama di pedesaan. Pengabdian masyarakat di desa Purwoasri ini dilakukan sebagai upaya penguatan spiritual masyarakat dan meningkatkan kesadaran untuk siap sedia dalam mengantisipasi penyebaran covid-19. Pengabdian masyarakat menggunakan metode pendekatan partisipatif, psikologi positif dan modal social. Hasil pendampingan yang dilakukan menunjukkan meningkatnya religiusitas warga dalam menghadapi wabah covid-19, kesadaran para tokoh agama hingga para pemuda semakin baik terhadap kesadaran berusaha menanggulangi ataupun mengantisipasi pandemic global tersebut. Sehingga, pengabdian masyarakat ini merekomendasikan bahwa keberhasilan suatu proses penguatan religious dan antisipasi menghadapi pandemic harus dilakukan sinergi berbagai pihak baik jamaah masjid, tokoh agama dan para pemuda

    Model Pendidikan Karakter Di Sekolah Berbasis Pesantren

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